
Courtesy visit from The East Timor ambassador to Japan

(2020/10/ 8 )

On the 25th of September, The East Timor ambassador to Japan Mr. ILIDIO XIMENES DA COSTA and a Councelor Mr. NUNO ALVARES MONIZ MARQUES ALVES visited Prof. Tsutsumi, Dean of Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University.
 Prof. Sekine of Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering explained the cooperation and support by Faculty of Engineering. Then Post Graduate Student Rego Silveira Martins Benjamim de Oliveira Hopffer from East Timor, who has just completed his Dr. Degree (Supervisor: Motoyuki Suzuki, Professor, Director of Division of Civil and Environmental Engineering) presented his research and expressed our future resolutions. We hope the continuous future relationship and academic collaboration.


Memorial Photo
Front: Ambassador Mr. Ilidio(Left), Dean Prof. Tsutsumi(right)
Back: (From the left)Prof. Shimizu, Prof. Sekine, Dr. Benjamim, Councelor Mr. Nuno and Prof. Suzuki

